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Almost half of frequent pub goers say atmosphere would be better with music

Almost half of frequent pub goers say atmosphere would be better with music

Written by
Abbie Dawson

September 9, 2020

Latest research

A statistic that is consistent across July (46.2%) & August (45.5%).

It appears that the challenging times of recent months are not putting people off wanting to run a pub, as Greene King recently announced a record number of tenant and lease applications across June and August*. 

What challenges does a new post-lockdown pub landlord face?

One of the challenges is certainly ensuring the great British pub experience is as good as before. Startle’s research into the post-lockdown pub atmosphere has revealed that 45.8% of frequent pre-lockdown pub goers say the atmosphere would be made better now with music. A statistic that is consistent across July (46.2%) & August (45.5%), see graph 1.

Chart showing people who will go to the pub as frequently as they did before lockdown
Graph 1

Also, nearly 3 quarters of those who think music can make the post-lockdown pub atmosphere better are frequent customers, a statistic consistent across July (72%) and August (71.6%), see graph 2.

While over a third of those who don’t think music would make the current pub atmosphere better are aged 55 and over (37.1%).

Chart showing people who think the atmosphere would be better with the sound of music
Graph 2

Thoughts from our CEO, Adam Castleton:

"Music is critical for creating a great atmosphere, and customers are in tune with this (especially those under the age of 55). It's going to be a choppy winter for the country, and people will need their pubs more than ever before. Operators should consider how they're using music to put their customers at ease and show them that the pub is still a place they can have a good time."

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Surveys carried out July 2020. Sample size (n) >1000 people, UK Nat. Rep. with 95% confidence level & margin of error of +/- 5%.

*Morning Advertiser article: Greene King sees record number of new T & L applications. 4th September 2020.

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Almost half of frequent pub goers say atmosphere would be better with music

Abbie Dawson

With a degree in Marketing and a Marketing Week Mini MBA in Marketing, Abbie has always had a goal of working with a brand with music in its DNA. Enter: Startle. She is in charge of our marketing activity, making sure to spread the word of Startle to as many brands as possible. When Abbie’s not working, you'll find her vinyl shopping to add to her collection or in the gym picking up heavy things or making enemies with a punching bag.

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